Advanced & effective organic Norwegian skincare

How does Marina Miracle products work?

Our products are completely natural. It is the unique blend of oils, herbs and vitamins that make the products work as well as they do.

Jojoba oil will balance your skin and provide moisture. Avocado oil provides deep moisture and is soothing to the skin. Lavender oil is nourishing and prevents acne and blackheads. Francincense oil smooths out fine lines and gives the skin a fine complexion. Aloe Vera is nutritious for the skin. Vitamin E strengthens the skin and evens out skin tone and fine lines. All these fine ingredients are just some of the ones you'll find in our products.


You can read more about our natural ingredients here.

marina miracle skjønnhetspleie ansikt

To use oil on the skin instead of a cream may be unfamiliar to you. However, did you know that the cream always consists of a mixture of oils and water-based extracts? Synthetic chemicals are added to the cream to keep oil and water mixed and stable and thats how the cream gets it creamy consistency, this process is also known as emulsifying.

Our products do not contain any forms of emulsifiers and therefore you always have to shake our bottles before use, to mix the oil and the plant-extracts.


Read about our face oil >